Bio Friendly Gardens

Landscape Architecture and Garden Design

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Landscape Design
Landscape Construction
Water Features
Western Gardens
Eastern Gardens
Wood Work
Outdoor Kitchens
Swimming Pools
Art &Sculpture
Concrete & Masonry
Outdoor Lighting
Irrigation Systems
Spas & Hot Tubs 
Garden Entries & Paths
Tree Houses
Greenhouses & Shed
Contemporary Gardens
Japanese Gardens
Eastern Gardens
Western Gardens
Native Gardens
Habitat Gardens
Arts & Crafts Gardens
Contemporary- Hot Tub
Google Wellness Center
HGTV- Superscapes
Ponds for Kids
Bio Friendly Home Rainwater Harvesting Living Roofs Solar & Wind Power

Water conservation has always been a priority for all of our projects.
Recently we decided to implement rainwater harvesting options for all of our new projects starting in 2008.

Clients are educated about the possibilities of capturing, filtering, and re-using water in a variety of ways in the landscape.
We use conventional storage tanks or cisterns which can be connected to the irrigation system for all watering needs in the garden, or we can capture rainwater, filter and circulate it back into water features, streams, or ecosystem ponds on the property.


    rainwater harvesting  
Rainwater Harvesting