Bio Friendly Gardens

Landscape Architecture and Garden Design

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Ponds for Kids
 Ponds For Kids
On 9th March 2007, Bio Friendly Gardens donates its time and experience to create a beautiful pond at Martin Luther King Junior Middle School in Berkeley, CA in conjunction with the “Pond for Kids” program which is sponsored by the North American Water Garden Society, a non-profit organization of pond lovers dedicated to the enjoyment, education, promotion and protection of the water garden hobby.

“Pond for Kids” is designed to give children and educators a working appreciation for nature and ecology. In addition to the observation of nature and related science subjects, art, creative writing, and poetry can also be incorporated. The opportunities and ideas are limitless as to how a school can integrate the program into their curriculum.

“It’s a day full of teachable moments.” Says Keith Winsten, Executive Director of the Brevard Zoo in Florida. Along with the learning opportunities created from having a pond at the school, students get a hand –on experience in building a water feature. They “get their hands dirty” with professionals, discovering how to build a pond and create a self- contained ecosystem. The pride they feel in taking part in creating this pond will be felt for years to come. Future generations will benefit from this wonderful addition to the school.



Ponds for kids